Springtime in Wyoming

Sunday was warm and lovely here in Laramie. Rob and I drove out to the barn with the dogs, and I saddled Tucker. Rob walked along with the dogs, and we went out through the southern pasture. The wind was up, but it was warm enough that the breeze felt refreshing. The ground was thawing, the creek was starting to run, a few early calves were on the ground. On the way home, I put Ian Tyson’s song “Springtime” on my phone and cranked the stereo up — I always listen to it when spring-fever hits and I want to indulge in it.



Monday morning dawned warm and bright. Then, at 9:00 am, the snow started to fall. And it fell and fell and fell, a beautiful, straight-down snow full of big flakes and chalk full of water. Check out the view from my office on Tuesday:


The temperature is rising fast, and most of this snow will turn into water by the time I leave for home at 5:00 pm.

I love springtime in Wyoming!

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